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Prof William Fawcett professor in anesthesia Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford, UK.Executive member in the comitte of ERAS society

Summary of his interview… key points:

Knowing in a direct and physiological way if a patient under anesthesia might be suffering nociception is extremely useful, not only for intraoperative management but will prevent excessive opioid use postoperatively

Not all devices are equal , MDoloris technology has got the biggest number of publications more than all other together.It is the only one that tells you which is the balance of the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance and will help with the stress response that we know is not good. And we can see that in real time and continuously. This is a really important step forward.

The advantages is that it is easy to use and usable, and this helps us to titrate the analgesic need precisely minimizing infra and overdosing with its associated complications

ANI can be used as well in ICU to ensure that the patients are in good confort.

About closeloop, all our biological systems are govern in a closeloop method so this is completely logical, and will deliver a much more reliable analgesia than any anesthetic could do.