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Nociception monitoring

MDoloris Technology is already integrated in other manufacturers monitors

ANI MOC-9 – Masimo Root

We have integrated ANI measurement into Masimo’s root device. This continuous measurement complements in a synergistic way the evaluation of the brain parameters to make them work cohesively.

Thanks to the ANI index, MDoloris technology enables continuous monitoring of the third pillar of anaesthesia (analgesia), informing the anaesthetist with a biomarker (the degree of activation of the parasympathetic system) and enabling the patient’s level of analgesia to be optimised.

From 2 years old until end of life

Masimo Root with ANI MOC-9 Display

ANIm (average)
ANIi (Instantaneous)
Energy value
Signal quality
ANIi Trend
ANIm Trend

ANI-MR – Mindray Module

Our integration with Benevision Mindray monitors. It guides you with other measures of the triad to continuously lead you to better outcomes.

Thanks to the ANI index, MDoloris technology enables continuous monitoring of the third pillar of anaesthesia (analgesia), informing the anaesthetist with a biomarker (the degree of activation of the parasympathetic system) and enabling the patient’s level of analgesia to be optimized.

MDoloris Technology (ANI) From 2 years old until end of life

*Always refer to the user manual for the patient minimum required age

Mindray ANI-MR Display

ANIm (average)
ANIi (Instantaneous)
ANIm Trend
ANIi Trend

ANI Measurement

The parasympathetic tone measurement is represented by 2 indicators : ANIm & ANIi respectively the activity of the ANS in the last 4 and 2 minutes.
The ANI index permit to the anesthesiologist to adapt and anticipate opioid need so the patient can benefit of an adequate anesthesia, with several peri and post operative benefits.

Nb : The energy must be between 0,05 and 2,5 for an interpretable ANI.


The ANIm is the general view of the ANI trend. It permit to observe the evolution of the ANI during the surgery, being less volatile than the ANIi.


The ANIi permit by itself to consider the exact instantaneous reaction  of the patient during the surgery, meaning the impact of an incision or an opioid injection for example, will be visible in the ANIi indicator in the minute following.


Scientifically, the Energy is represented by the standard deviation of the cardiac variability over the last 64 seconds. In other words it represents the power of the parasympathetic tone.